
人教七年级Junior Middle School Entrance English Test.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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No. 12 Junior Middle School Entrance English Test in 2010
( ) 1. ---Nice to meet you. ---______________.
A. I’m fine B. Nice to meet you, too C. Thanks D. You’re welcome
( ) 2. ---Jim, is this a clock? --- No, . A. it is B. it isn't C. I am D. I'm not
( ) 3.--- What's that? --- . A. Is it an apple B. It's a orange C. It's pear D. It's an egg
( ) 4. -How are your brothers? -_______.
A. They are ten B. I don’t know C. They are fine D. They are interesting
( ) 5. ―Your hat is very nice. ―______.
A. You are right B. That's right C. You are welcome D. Thank you
( ) 6. —Thank you very much — .
A. That’s right B. That’s all right. C. It’s right D. All right
( ) 7. --- Who's the boy? --- A. At home B. A bike C. Fine D. My brother
( ) 8. -- How old is that boy? ---______. A. Fine. B. Her brother C. I don't know. D. OK.
( ) 9. --- Is that an car? --- No, it's a car.
A. English ; Japanese B. Japanese ; English C. English ; English D. Japanese ; Japanese
( ) 10. --- Is Ann at school today? --- ___________.
A .Yes, she isn't at school B. Yes, she's at home C. No, she's at school D. No, she’s at home
( ) 11.-What’s your favourite food? -______. A. Basketball B. Hamburgers C. Whit