
人教七年级Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B&Self Check 第1课时测试卷(含答案解析).zip

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初中英语·人教版·七年级下册——Unit 2 What time do you go to school?
Unit 2 Section B&Self Check第1课时测试卷
( ) 1.(2021山东威海文登二中期中)I can’t play with you because I have_______ homework to do.
A. lot of B. much C. many
( ) 2.(2021山东济南槐荫区期中)My father has _________ interesting job. He works at a radio station.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 3.(2021辽宁营口中考改编)________ such a cold (寒冷的) morning, I also got up_______ 6 o’clock to go for a run as usual.
A. Before; in B. At; to C. On; at D. In; at
( ) 4.(2021重庆江津二中期中)We go to school _________ Monday to Friday, and on weekends we stay_________ home.
A. on; at B. on; for C. from; at D. from; for
( ) 5.(2021河北石家庄平山外国语中学期中)Lily _______ her room every day, so her room is very _______.
A. clean; clean B. cleans; cleans C. clean; cleans D. cleans; clean
A: Good morning, Tony.
B: Good morning.
A: 1
B: Yes. I get up at 5:00 and dosports every day.
A: Really? 2
B: I usually run with my father.
A: 3
B: Yes, I think it’s good for health.
A: That’s for sure. 4
B: Yes. I go to bed early every evening.
A: 5
B: I go to bed at nine o’clock.
A: Well, that’s really good.
A. What sports do you usually do?
B. What time do you go to bed?
C. Do you alway