
人教七年级Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 单元练习(有答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?
Mary and I are in Class 5. We are c      
It's r       to watch TV.
I like ping-pong. It's e       for me.
—Do you have tennis balls?—Yes, but I have o       one
Math is too d       for me.
I don't like math. It's b      .
My grandfather doesn't play sports, but he w       them on TV.
Playing ping-pong is very i      , and I like it very much.
Let him        (得到) it.
I see some        (篮球) under his desk.
She likes        (watch) TV very much.
Volleyball is an        (interest) sport.
He doesn't        (play) sports at home.
My sister        (have) a nice room.
My mother        (not let) us play computer games.
Kate        (love) milk.
Eric and Linda are        (classmate). They are in Class One.
I think the cat is kind of        (bore).
Do you want        (go) with me?
Are those        (basketball) yours?
Don't be        for school again! (later)
I have two baseball        (bat).
Are these your        (watch)?
Mary, let's        (play) ping-pong.
That        (sound) good. .
1. —_____ your friend _____ a baseball bat?—I don't know.
A. Do; have B. Does; have C. Does; has
2. The art festival is very _____; we like it very much.
A. interesting B. busy C. difficult
3. — What's your favorite _____?— Playing basketb