
人教七年级Unit 6 Do you like bananas.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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  1. Sally often goes to Mcdonald's, because the h______ there are very good.
  2. For d_____, she always has some ice cream and cakes.
  3. There are l______ of people in the book store on Sunday.
  4. Jimmy can run fast, because he is a r________ in school.
  5. L______ have broccoli and rice for dinner today.
  6. In KFC, the fried c________ is very delicious and tasty.
  7. Julia's mother cooks d______ for them every day.
  8. Don't eat too much fast food. It is not h______.
  9. There is pepper, broccoli, and tomatoes in the s______.
  10. I have eggs, chicken, tomatoes for lunch, so I eat very w______ today.
  1. What would you like? ______ bread.
  A. Two pieces       B. Two pieces of 
  C. A piece         D. Pieces of
  2. Let's _____ the football match.
  A. going and watch     B. go to watch
  C. go and watching     D. go and to watch
  3. Where _____ your brother usually _______lunch?
  A. do; have        B. are; having 
  C. does; have       D. is; having
  4. Matha often has French _______, tomatoes and fish _______ dinner.
  A. fry, for        B. fries, for 
  C. fries, at        D. fries, in
  5. We need lots of ______ every day.
  A. vegetable        B. meats 
  C. milks          D. healthy food
  6. What kind of fruit do you like? Well, I like _______.