
人教七年级Unit 8 When is your birthday Section A 同步练习2.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A

1. __________ 2. __________

3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
1. —________ (什么时候) is your brother’s birthday?
—It’s on August sixth.
2. I’ll have a birthday ________ (聚会) next week.
3. The ________ (第二) month of a year (年) is February.
4. Tom has a ________ (幸福的) family.
5. Women’s Day (妇女节) is ________ (三月) eighth.
三、 单项选择
( ) 1. Please look at ________ third picture.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 2. July is the ________ month of a year.
A. fifth B. sixth C. seventh D. ninth
( ) 3. —________ is your mother’s birthday?
—It’s on May ________.
A. What; fourteenth B. What; fourteen
C. When; fourteen D. When; fourteenth
( ) 4. —_________ is Mike’s uncle?
—He is thirty-nine.
A. How B. How old C. Who D. What
( ) 5. —Happy birthday to you!
A. Thank you. B. Happy birthday!
C. The same to you. D. Have a good day!
A: Hi, Cindy! 1
B: Thank you, Bill. 2
A: Yes. 3
B: At my home.
A: Great! 4
B: Sure. How old is your sister?
A: 5
A. Where is it?
B. She is only six.
C. Happy birthday!
D. Can I take my sister to your party?
E. Can