
人教七年级Unit 8 When is your birthday 同步练习.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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一. 用月份的词填空:
1._______ 1st is New year’s Day.
2.______ 12th is Planting Day (植树节)
3.______ 1st is Fool’s Day.
4.______ 1st is Labor’s Day.
5.______ 1st is Children’s Day.
6.The last (最后的)three months of a year are _______, _________ , and ________.
7.New school year (新学年)begins in ________.
8.-When is your birthday ?
-My birthday is between ________ and _______,
-Oh , that’s August .
9.-Which month you can’t find above (上面的)? -It’s __________.
二. 把下列词组译成 英语。
1. 吉娜的生日___________ 5. 篮球赛___________
2. 我爸爸的名字___________ 6. 演讲比赛___________
3. 英语 晚会___________ 7. 多大年纪___________
4. 学校上课日___________ 8. 艺术节___________
三.. 写出每组对话的问题:
1. Q : _______________________ A: My birthday is April 22nd.
2. Q : _____________________ A: I’m sixteen.
3. Q: _____________________ A: My brother’s birthday is May 16th.
4. Q: _____________________ A: The concert (音乐会)is May 21st.
5. Q: _____________________ A: My mother is forty - eight .
四. 给词语排序,组成一个句子
1. May , today , is , first
2. born , on , I , was , fifteenth , August .
3. his , is , birthday , September , second
4. my , birthday , mother’s , when , is
5. old , are , how , your , parents .
五. 阅读理解
American school begin (开始)in September after a long summer