
人教七年级Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.单元测试(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 9
根据音标写出单词: (24分)
1. / feivərit/ 2. / sʌbject/ 3. / saiəns/
4. / mju:zik/ 5. /dʒi ɔgrəfi/ 6. /tʃai ni:z/
7. /mæθ/ 8. / histri/ 9. /wai/ 10. /bi kɔ:z/ 11. / mʌndei/ 12. / fraidei/
13. / sætədei/ 14. / tju:zdei/ 15. /fri:/
16. / wenzdei/ 17. /θə:zdei/ 18. / sʌndei/
19. / ju:sfl/ 20. /frɔm/ 21. / finiʃ/ 22. / lesn/ 23. / auə/ 24. /ku:l/
1. We have ____________(China), math and English from Monday to Friday.
2. I think music and art __________ (be) fun.
3. I have_______(a) art lesson for______(a)hour on Monday, I think it is_______(a) interesting subject.
4. His lunch _______________(finish) at 1:00 p.m. .
5. Jack wants ________________(play) tennis with his brother.
6. --- What’s ____________(Alice) favorite color?
---___________(she) favorite sport is blue.
7.---Why _________ Kate ________(like) history? --- Because it’s interesting.
8. They don’t like any __________________(subject), they’re lazy(懒惰的).
9. I ________(have) P.E. on Monday, but Jack __________________(not have) P.E that day.
10. My P.E. teacher always __________(play) games with us.
We all ________(like) him.
( )1. A. room B. food C. cool D. look
( )2. A. old B. those C. Monday D. sofa
( )3. A. April B. Friday C. tid