
人教七年级Unit8 When is your birthday Section B2练习(答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit8.SectionB 2练****题
I. 单选:
1.Today is ________ birthday. A.he B.he’s C.his D.him
2.I was born _____ January 1st, 1980. A.in B.on C.at D.for[来源:21世纪教育网]
3._______ October, we have a party. A.On B.In C.At D.Of
4.Unit 5 is on ______ Page(页), Unit 6 is on Page ________.
A.twentieth;Thirtieth B.the twentieth;Thirty C.twenty;Thirty D.twentieth; the thirty
5.I like listening to ______ music. A.China B.Chinese C.China’s D.Chinese’s
6.---How old is Nick? --- ________. 21世纪教育网
A.He is eleven B.He is eleven years C.He is the 11th D.She is eleven
7.---When is your birthday? --- My birthday is on February _________.
A.a twenty-eighth B.twenty-eight C.the twenty-eight D.twenty-eighth
8.---______ is he? --- He’s fifteen. A.How big B.How old C.How many D.How much
9.The little girl is only 4 _______. A.years B./ C.years old D.B and C21世纪教育网
10.---______ were you born? --- I was born in 1992. A.Where B.When C.What D.Who
11.The woman is __ mother.
A.Lucy and Sally’s .B. Lucy’snd Sally’s C. Lucy and Sally .D. Lucy’s d Sally
12.I got a good dog on my _______ birthday.
A. nine B.ninth C. the nine D. the ninth
13.-When is _____ birthday? –It’s _____ April.
A. Jim Brown’s; on B. Jim Brown’s; in C. Jim Brown; onD. Jim Brown; in
14.My _____ name is Kate Green. A. sister B. sister’s C. sisters’ D. sister’
15. There is a bed _