
人教七年级units 1-6专项练习(山东省济南市济阳县).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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1.Kate, Jim and I ________ (be) from the USA.
2.How old _________(be) your brother?
3.My best friend, Tom is from _____________ (Japanese).
4.Does your brother speak _____________(France).
5.I like _____________(go) to the movies and ________ (play) sports.
6.Maria _____________ (not like) comedies.
7.Shaolin Temple is a _____________ (success) action movies.
8.Let ________ play computer games (we).
9.This is _________ (we) school.
10.My sister has five ____________now (tooth).
11.There are six _____________ (tomato) on the table.
12.There aren’t any ______________(library) in Jiyang.
13.The boys play basketball ___________(good).
14. .I want _____________(work) in a post office
15.Today is his _____________(twenty) birthday.
16.________(be) there any pictures on the wall?.
17 Let’s go to see the pandas ________(one)
18 The dolphines are very __________(friend) to people.
19 Let’s __________(is ) quiet, OK?
20 Let’s go to the __________(elephant) house.
21 Just _________(go) straight and turn left.
22 There are many _________(zoo) in this city.
23 The animal usually ______(sleep) and _____(relax) 20 hours every day .
24 Listen! They ____________ (sing) in the next room.
25 Li Lei __________( swim) at the pool now.
26 _______ he _________ ( shop ) with his mother at the mall? Yes, he is
27 There ________(be ) a book and two