
人教七年级UUnit 1 My name’s Gina SectionA 基础卷(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A 基础卷
1.—How is y_______ father?
—He is fine. Thanks.
2. _______(令人愉快的)to meet you, Mike.
3.I like English.My sister likes it, t_______.
4.I am Jack _______(和)I am13 years old.
5.This is my brother. H_______ name is Alan.
6.—Are you Jane?
—N_______, I’m not. I’m Jenny.
7.We can_______(相逢)after school.
8.Look at the girl. S_______ is my sister.
9.—Are you Mike?
—Y_______, I am.
10.Mike is my friend, but he is _______(不是)my classmate(同班同学).
()1. It's a cute(可爱的)dog. Its _______ is Coco.
A. name B. color C. age D. number
()2.—Do you know the man?
—Yes, _______ is Lu Han.
A. he B. she C. I D. you
()3.—What's _______name?
—Jenny. _______ is my good friend.
A. his; He B. her; She C. his; His D. her; Her
()4.—_______the girl's name?
—Her name' s Alice.
A. What B. What's C. How D. How’s
()5.— Excuse me. _______ you Mr. Zhang?
—Yes, my name _______ Zhang Ming.
A. Are; am B. Is; are C. Is; am D. Are; is
()6.— Is she Jane?
—_______. She is Julia.
A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn't C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t
()7.I_______ Li Ting. The two boys are my friends. Their names _______ Tom and Tony.
A. am; is B. am; are C. are; is D. are; are
()8.—I'm Tony. _______.
—Nice to neet you, too.
A. How are you?