
人教七年级Unit 8 When is your birthday 综合阅读培优(含答案).doc

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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人教七年级Unit 8 When is your birthday 综合阅读培优(含答案).doc
Unit 8 When is your birthday?
Today is May 12th. Liu Lu is in the classroom 1____ her friend Li Na.
Li Na says to Liu Lu,“Happy birthday!”Liu Lu says thanks to Li Na,2____ she doesn't look happy. Li Na says,“It's 6:00 p.m. now. It's 3____ to go home!”
“I don't want to go home,”Liu Lu says.“You know 4____ mother has a clothes store,She's very 5____ and she always comes home after 9:30 p.m.”
“Well,do you 6____ to have a different(不同的) birthday?”asks Li Na.“Today is your birthday. It's 7____ Day,too. Why don't you go to 8____ your mom at the store? I'm sure she wants to be with you,too.”
“9____ great!”Liu Lu says. Then she goes to the 10____. She's sure they can have a good day.
( )1.A. on B. for C. with D. about
( )2.A. and B. but C. so D. because
( )3.A. price B. habit C. card D. time
( )4.A. my B. your C. her D. his
( )5.A. tidy B. healthy C. busy D. welcome
( )6.A. ask B. want C. need D. come
( )7.A. Father's B. Children's C. Mother's D. Teachers'
( )8.A. help B. play C. take D. know
( )9.A. Looks B. Watches C. Thinks D. Sounds
( ) 10.A. store B. classroom C. library D. school
There is(有) an art festival in Kate and Jenny's school. It's on December 12th every year. Kate and Jenny will be middle school students next September,so the 2021 art festival is their last one in their school. Kate wants to take par