
人教七年级Unit 2 What time do you go to school 阅读限时练(含答案).docx

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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人教七年级Unit 2 What time do you go to school 阅读限时练(含答案).docx
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Oscar has two brothers, Oliver and Andy, and 1. __________ sister, Nancy. Oscar's mother 2. ________ (get) up at five thirty. She 3. __________ (take) a shower and then she eats breakfast 4. __________ six o'clock. Oscar and Nancy get up at six thirty,5. __________ Oliver and Andy get up at eight thirty. Oscar and Nancy take 6. __________ (shower) in the morning, but Oliver and Andy don't. Oscar, his mother, Oliver and Andy watch TV 7. __________ the evening. Nancy 8. __________ (do) her homework or listens to music.
Then she goes to bed 9. __________ (early). Not all the family members have healthy 10. __________ (habit).
Hi! I'm Tony. I love weekends! I always get up late on weekends. For breakfast, I only have 11 . It's usually an apple. I have a big lunch. I usually eat fish, pork, and rice with different kinds of vegetables.
12 lunch, l like to eat ice-cream. It tastes good. In the afternoon, I like to 13 . I usually play basketball. Sometimes I swim. In the evening, I clean the house—I like 14 rooms. I always go to bed 15 , at about 23:00.
16 my sister doesn't like weekends. She has a job in a big store and she always 17 on weekends. She never goes out 18 her friends. She usually gets home from work at 22:00. After taking a shower, she 19 . Sometimes, she reads in her room. But