
人教七年级Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 基础练习(含答案).docx

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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人教七年级Unit 5 Why do you like pandas 基础练习(含答案).docx
Test for Unit 5
1.What's that on the red___________(旗)? Do you know?
2.Don't be________________(害羞的).You can talk with your classmates after class.
3.Is the library a good___________(地方)for students to do homework?
4.—Wow! Mary,you look___________(美丽的)in the white dress.
一Thank you.
5.How much____________(水)do we need to drink every day?
6. Jenny is very s______________,and she is good at lots of subjects.
7.Let's go to the z___________to see giraffes this weekend.
8. Guangdong is in the s___________of China.
9.There are o___________300 students in the school hall now.
10.John is a l___________boy.He always gets up very late and never cleans his room.
11. His cousin is very(friend) to us. _______________(leg).
12.The pet dog has four short 13.Let's____________(go)to the library this Sunday.
14.One of my classmates___________(ike)koalas.
15.It is 10:30 p.m.,but the boy doesn't want___________(sleep).
16. The story sounds___________(interest).The children all like it.
17.He wants to see the tigers _________ (one).
18. There are many___________(kind) of fruits on the table.
19.Don't forget___________(take) your dictionary when you leave home.
20.-What do you think of these _________________(lion)?
—They are scary.
Scary kind of tree cut cute all day get lost