
牛津译林版 7A Unit5 Let’s celebrate!Period5 课时训练.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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7A Unit 5 Let's celebrate!
Period5 (Task & Self-assessment)
1.燃放烟花________________________ 2.聚在一起_______________________
3.一个重要节日____________________ 4.大多数中国家庭_________________
5.收到某人的红包__________________ 6.精彩的春节晚会_________________
1. English is an_______(重要) subject in most schools in China.
2. Are you afraid to let_______(离开)fireworks?
3.This film is really_______(精彩).
4. They like to walk_______(围绕)the building after supper.
5. I'd like a _______ (包)of salt(盐).
( )1.T he woman_______ the VSA is my son's English teacher.
A. is from B. from C. comes from D. of
( )2. The students in my class can make post cards_______.
A. on many ways B. in many way C. in many ways D. on many way
( )3. We have a holiday_______ the first seven days_______ October in China.
A. in; of B. at; on C. on; of D. at; in
( )4. -Steve,_______ do you play basketball after school?
一一Twice a week. It can keep me healthy.
A. how far B. how soon C. how long D. how often
( )5.Which group is with the sound/au/?
A. dear; near B. hi; buy C. sure; February D. know; slow
1.He wants to have a party next Sunday evening.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ he ________to have a party?
2.It usually takes me an hour to finish my homework.(改为一股疑问句)
_______ it usu