
牛津译林版英语Unit 7 Shopping综合检测卷(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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牛津英语7A Unit 7综合检测卷
1. —You see, it’s my dream to buy _______iPad.
—Oh, you can ask your parents to buy ________for you.
A. a; it B. an; it C. a; one D. an; one
2. —Sometimes I don’t have enough time _______ with my parents.
—You will if you spend more time _______ with them at home.
A. to chat; to stay B. to chat; staying C. chatting; to stay D. chatting; staying
3. The shoes in the box too big. Could you please show me ?
A. is; another one B. is; other pair
C. are; other one D. are; another pair
4. The price _______ the bike is too_____. I won’t take it.
A. of, cheap B. of, expensive C. for, much D. of, high
5. Do you need more people ______ you ______ the trees and the flowers?
A. help; water B. to help; water C. help; to water D. to help; watering
6. The meeting room isn’t _________ for all the students to sit ________.
A. enough big, / B. big enough, / C. large enough, in D. enough large, by
7. — Do you think the color of this skirt my trousers?
— Of course! You always look beautiful red.
A. goes well with; on B. fits ; in C. matches; with D. matches; in
8 -I don't like this blue T-shirt. Can you show me_______ one?
-Sorry, we only have this one left. You can go to the shop on___ side of the street.
A. another; othe