

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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From Monday to Friday, my parents and I are busy. We get up ___________ in the morning. We often have breakfast at ____________. Then we go to school or work.I come back from school at ________. My parents often get home __________. Then they _________.In the evening, my parents watch TV ______ and I do my homework ____________. On Friday evening, my parents often _____________ and I _____________.
1. ______ Saturday, Mike is ill ________ home.
2. I’m _______ China.
3. I’ll meet my uncle _______ the airport _____five past one.
4. There’s a picture __________ the wall.
5. Lucy likes skating ________ the ice _________ December.
6. There’re some apples _______ the bag.
7. Betty arrived ____London.
8. When did Hong Kong return to our motherland?
---______July 1st,1997.
9. Gina was born ____1999.She is old enough to go to school.
10. I’m going to my cousin’s home ____Saturday.
11. The meeting is ____ Tuesday ____nine ___the morning.
12. We live ___ a small city.
13. He works ____ the building.
14. He is ____ class 2.
15. The picture is ____ the wall.
16. I put a cup of tea ____ the table.
17. His teacher wrote some words ____ the blackball.
18.My birthday is____ July.
19.____Saturday,we went shopping _____ the afternoon, then we had a meal ____ the evening.
20.I saw my grandmother last week. l met