
译林版牛津英语7BUnit 8期末复习练习(有答案).zip

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7B Unit 8期末复****练****单项选择
( ) 1. She ordered ______ ticket of Shanghai Disneyland on the Internet, and ______ ticket arrived yesterday.
A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; the
( ) 2.—The chicken tastes ______. —My mother is a good cook. She cooks very ______.
A. good; well B. well; good C. well; well D. good; good
( ) 3. Let us move a little faster.We do not have ____ time left."said the tour guide.
A.few B.little C.many D.much
( ) 4. -- Mum, I'm hungry. -- What about going to KFC _____ some hamburgers?
A. eat B. eating C. and eat D. to eat
( ) 5. -- _______ you touch your toes? -- I'm afraid I_______.
A. Could; can't B. Can; can't C. Could; can D. May; can
( ) 6. They _______ play football last Friday because Simon forgot to bring his football here.
A. could B. couldn't C. can't D. can
( ) 7. --Do fish sleep? I think they’re swimming around______.
---Of course they sleep. But they sleep with their eyes open.
A. all the time B. all the same C. at that time D. at the same time
( ) 8. ---How should I teach my dog to do any tricks?
---Well, you should be ______first, or he will run away.
A. rude B. gentle C. shy D. sad
( ) 9. Did you find her _______ in that _______ mouse?
A. interesting; ama