
译林版七年级7A Unit 1 This is me Reading 1 同步练习.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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7A Unit 1 This is me !
课时练****二 Reading 1
1. 在阳光中学 2. 喜欢阅读_________________
3. 见我的新同班同学__________________ 4. 12岁___________________
5. 喜欢运动_______________ 6. 擅长数学__________________
7. 高又苗条_______________ 8. 放学后____________________
9. 留着短发______________ 10.来自南京________________
1. He is 13 __________(年,岁)old .
2.You can find Millie in the__________(阅读)room.
3. Do you want __________(居住)in Shanghai?
4. She __________(有) black hair and big eyes.
5. Mary loves __________(游泳)in summer.
6. He is an __________(有趣)boy. We all like him.
7. Are you good at __________(跳舞)?
8. We’re in the same class. We are (同学).
9. The girl is good at maths. We all think she is very (聪明).
10. We are __________(主人)of our country.
( )1. The girl wants to be , so she doesn’t eat meat.
A.tall B.strong C.slim D.young
( )2. My cousin is ______.
A. in Class five, Grade Six B. in class five, grade six
C. in the Class Five, Grade Six D. in Class Five, Grade Six
( )3. Where ______ my glasses? I can’t find______.
A. is, it B. does, it C. are, them D. do, them
( )4. He ______ born in 1994, so he ______ 12 years old this year.
A. be, is B. was, was C. was, is