

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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1. new car is stopping at the gate?(who)
2.December is the month of the year. (twelve)
3.There are a lot of in the shop on Sundays .(shop)
4.We all sang when Daniel got the award. (happy)
5.The people there are very to us . (help)
6.Yaoming is one of the best basketball in the world.(play)
7.We should have a diet, it’s good for our body. (health)
8.He was sure the sound came from the bushes.
He searched .(careful)
9.We eat 27,000 kilos of food during our lives.
That’s the ______ of about six elephants. (weigh)
10.Please brush your teeth with your tooth brush ____a day.(two)
11.The China Science and Technology Museum
is on Monday.(close)
12.Does the school library have many _______ ? (shelf)
13.They are talking about Teachers’ Day . (庆祝)
14.Simon’s trousers are white and his shirt is purple.His tie
is yellow.He looks_______.(颜色)
15.Listen! How beautiful the music .(听起来)
16.Zhanghua quickly ran back to his flat and ________ water
over his jacket.(倒)
17.Tom’s blue tie well with his white shirt.(匹配)
18.Daniel is and thinks carefully when he works.(考虑周到的)
19.Members of the helping Hands Club visit the home
for the once a month. (较老的)
20.It’s true that there’re fewer and fewer in the
river now. (鱼)
21.All of the students in our class were born at the end of
the century.(二十)
22.The Class 1, Grade 7 students are preparing to give
a show to raise money for Project Hope.(时装)
23. Justin told me a story of three ________ (盗贼).
24. She never __________ the cat or pulls her tail.(吓唬)
1. My brother and I live in the same room.
My brother___ a bedroom ________ .
2. What’s your uncle?
What _________your uncle ____________?
3. It takes me fifteen minutes to go to