
译林版七年级Unit 1 Dreams Homes 单元测试.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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( )1. _____ tourists come to visit the Great Wall every year .
A. Millions of B. Million of C. One million of D. Millions
( )2. The tallest man in the world is nearly _________ .
A. 2.4-meters tall B. 2.4-metres-tall C. 2.4 metres tall D. 2.4-metre-tall
( )3. December is _________ month of the years .
A. twelveth B. twelfth C. twelve D. the twelfth
( )4. ________ is the most difficult of all .
A. Exercise One B. The Exercise One C. Exercise first D. First Lesson
( )5. My cousin has a small garden many beautiful flowers.
A.of B.with C.about D.in
( )6. She was a good-looking woman in ________ .
A. forties B. her forties C. forty D. the forty
( )7. I have a new computer in my___________.
A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom D. balcony
( )8. Are you in ____________?
A. Grade Seven, Class One B. Class one, Grade Seven
C. First Class, Seventh Grade D. the Seven Grade, First Class
( )9. What’s the time now ? It’s ___________.
A. twenty to two B. forty past one
C. one past forty D. two past twenty
( )10. Wednesday i