
译林版七年级Unit 3 Finding your way 语法练习.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Unit 3 Finding your way
一、练一练, 用介词填空
1. The twins are climbing _________the trees.
2. Please go _____the road to the end.
3. The bus travels _________Wuxi ______Nanjing.
4. Your parents are walking _________the stairs.
5. Look! Your English teacher is walking______ the  library.
6. Walk _______the table many times, you will feel uncomfortable.
7. There are two boats going ________the bridge.
8. Many kites are flying ______the building.
二、看一看, 填动词。
1. We___________(have) a picnic on the beach this evening.
2. Simon __________(go) to Xiangshan tomorrow.
3. They __________( meet) at the school gate the day after tomorrow.
4. We _________( visit ) our grandparents next Monday.
5. Daniel is ill, we________(see) him tomorrow.
1. A man is going _______ the shop.
A. over B. on C. into D. between
2. Don’t look ______ of the window.
A. in B. into C. out D. of
3. Tom is ill. He must stay_______ bed.
A. on B. in C. at D. under
4. The shelf is _____ the left of the park.
A. in B. near C. beside D. on
5.The students are going _______the road.
A. across    B. on        C. through
6. A bus is going _______a tunnel.
A. cross     B. through    C. across
7 This summer I ________another route.
A .take        B .will take    C .is taking