
译林版七年级Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Grammar 提优训练(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母提示写出单词
1. —Is there any water in the ________ (瓶子)? —No, there isn’t.
2. Please add(添加) some ________ (盐) to the noodles.
3. We need to buy two ________ (公斤) of fish for dinner.
4. Tom wants to buy three ________ (盒) of milk.
5. The boy was very hungry, so he ate two ________ (盘子) of chicken.
6. We brush our t________ twice a day.
7. —How many g________ of juice would you like, sir? —Only one, please.
8. —How many p________ of bread can you see in the kitchen? —I can see five.
Ⅱ. 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空
1. There are two ________ (computer) game centres in my town.
2. I don’t know the ________ (toy) are those (child).
3. We can see a lot of ________ (sheep) eating grass on the hill.
4. One of the ________ (watch) on the table is mine.
5. Please finish your food. There are many hungry ________ (baby) in the world, you know.
Ⅲ. 单项选择
1. —Sandy, ______ apple on the table is for you. Have it before you go to bed. —Thanks, Mum. ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A. an; An B. the; An C. an; The D. the; The
2. —Are there any ______ in the picture? —Yes, there are.
A. fish B. pork C. beef D. milk
3. Do you know the three ______ under the tree? Their mothers are all ______ in our school.
A. boy students; woman teachers B. boy students; women teachers
C. boys students; women teachers D. boys students; woman teachers