
译林版七年级unit3 let’s celebrate巩固练习.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Unit 3 Let’s celebrate
1 He dresses up a policeman at the party.
A like B as C for D in
2 We sometimes play games lunchtime.
A with B for C at D on
3 Listen, someone is knocking the door.
A with B for C to D on
4 Don’t play a trick me.
A on B in C at D to
5 We’ll have a party the evening of October 1st.
A on B in C at D to
6 Who is the woman a red dress?
A dress B wear C put on D in
7 The price every student is only 2yuan.
A of B for C to D with
8 Do you like eating ?
A chocolate eggs B chocolate egg
C chocolates eggs D chocolates egg
9 Students can get presents on .
A Children Day B Childrens’ Day
C Child’s Day D Children’s Day
10 Are your family holiday now?
A for B in C at D on
11 People celebrate Halloween many ways.
A in B on C at D by
12 Can I have cakes?
A a B an C some D any
13 is the second day of a week.
A Monday B Tuesday C Wednesday D Thursday
14 I am very in the film.
A interesting, interested B interested , interested
C interesting, interesting D interested , interesting
15 Thank you for me with my English.
A help B helps C helping D to help
16 My father often goes out for a walk sunny days.
A on B in C at D /
17 The