
译林版七年级Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Task 巩固练习(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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7B Unit3 Task 巩固练****一、单词拼写
1. My (家乡)is a Small town , but it is very heautifu1 .
2. The flowers (闻起来)so nice. Let’s buy some.
3. Some families (饲养)cows, and others grow wheat and corn .
4.My grandmother__________ (拥有)a good voice(嗓音),so she can sing Beijing opera very well.
5.The people in this shop are very __________(友好的)to the customers(顾客).
6. My father often ________ (开车送) me to school in the morning.
7. My grandma likes ________ (种) flowers in the garden in spring.
( ) 1. I hope everyone ________ a good time at the party.
A. to have B. can have C. have D. having
( ) 2. There are no buses. He has to ________ there ________ his bicycle.
A. go to; by B. go; by C. go to; on D. go; on
( ) 3. There are fifty students in our class. ________ like English, ________ like Chinese.
A. Some; other B. Others; others C. Some; the other D. Some; others
( ) 4. We are good ________ and we are ________ with each other.
A. friends; friend B. friendly; friendly
C. friends; friendly D. friendly; friend
( ) 5. She likes singing. I often hear her ________ after class.
A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. to singing
( ) 6. -_______ beef do you want, sir? - Three kilos.
A. How much B. How many C How heavy D. How