
译林版七年级Unit6 Pets 单元测试卷.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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7B Unit6 Pets 单元测试卷
班级______ 姓名_________ 学号___________
( )1. - _______volleyball here, _______ you may break the windows.
A. Play; or B. Don't play; or C. Play; so D. Don't play; so
( )2. Birds don't like _______ cages.
A. live in B. live C. living in D. living
( )3. I'm hungry. Please _______ me my lunch.
A. take B. bring C. show D. help
( )4. You _______ be polite to the old man.
A. should B. can't C. might D. mustn't
( )5. - _______big fish they are!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
( )6. I _______ go to bed _______ my father came back.
A. won't; until B. didn't; until C. will; until D. /; when
( )7. Mr Green _______ speak a little Chinese, but he can't speak any Japanese.
A. can B. may C. must D. need
( )8. We should _______our best to help others.
A. do B. does C. doing D. to do
( )9. Can you hear Jack _______ in the classroom now?
A sing B sings C. sang D. singing
( )10. His dog _______barks or fights. He is very friendly.
A. always B sometimes C. often D. never
( )11.- I like reading. - Great! It can _______your mind.
A read B. lose C. feed D. feel