
译林版七年级Unit 1 Dream Homes Reading同步基础练习 (有答案).docx

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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译林版七年级Unit 1 Dream Homes Reading同步基础练习 (有答案).docx
1. It's less than _________(英里) to the beach.
2. Jim has made a fine job of the _________(花园)
3. A light was still burning in the __________(卧室) .
4. In the evening he went out again on the _________(阳台)
5. We had a day out at the ________(海滩)
6. Do you really have fun _______(get) together with your friend in your place?
7. After working for a long time, he likes to sit and ________(drink) a bottle of water.
8. I like the idea of ________(live) on a boat.
9. The visit will allow us to have more time of ________(we) own.
10. Slightly was the _______(one) to speak.
1. Lucy lives in a small ________, but her ________ is big.
A. house; house B. home; house
C. house; family D. family; house
2. —________ great fun it is to walk around Mei Lanfang Park on________ warm spring morning!
—I think so. Let's go!
A.What a; / B.How; a
C.What; a D.How a; the
3. Her family _________ her into a nursing hospital today.
A. put B. puts C. send D. sends
4. My dream is travelling ________ the world!
A. round B. around C. over D. on
5. It is dangerous _________ in the river.
A. swimming B to swimming C. swim D. to swim
6. He will ________ this weekend.
A. has a good time B. have a great fun
C. enjoy herself D. enjoy himself
7. You can find a shopping ________.
A. centers B. center C. cent