
译林版七年级Unit 4 Finding your way期中复习试题(含答案).docx

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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译林版七年级Unit 4 Finding your way期中复习试题(含答案).docx
Unit 4 Finding your way
班级________________姓名________________ 学号_________________
1. If ________ (每人, 人人) has only three days to see, they will make better use of their eyes.
2. Jenny, _____________ (记得) to put your English book into your bag before going to school.
3. It is _____________(相当) interesting to talk with the boy.
4. Walk _____________ (径直地) on, and you _____________ (find) the hospital on your left.
5. _____________ (长颈鹿)_____________ (脖子) are longer than the other animals’.
6. There are 2_____________ (宝藏) boxes in his home.
7. If she _____________ (invite) Jack to dinner tomorrow, he will be very happy.
8. They like chatting with each other on that _____________ (长椅).
9. Walk _____________ (穿过) the _____________ (桥), and you’ll find the Panda House.
10. At the _____________(角落) of the street is a clothes shop.
11. How _____________ (danger) those animals are!
12. _____________ (竹子) is pandas’ favourite food.
13. We _____________ (应该) learn to look after ourselves when we are young.
14. “Please draw some_____________ (leaf) for your trees, kids.” The art teacher says.
15. _____________ (东北方) of Wanda Plaza, there are some_____________ (银行).
( ) 16. Shanghai is _______ the east of China and is _______ the west of Japan.
A. in; in B. in; to C. to; in D. to; to
( ) 17.Walk______that building