
北师大版八年级英语上册Unit4 Healthy Living同步练习含答案.zip

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Unit4 Healthy Living

1. I was listening to music   my English teacher came in.
A. until B. while C. since D. when
2. The young college students jumped into the river and swam to the boys   they heard them crying for help.
A. as soon as B. before C. because D. till
3. --- Why didn't you try your best to get on the subway?
--- I tried to, but it started moving   I could get on it.
A. before B. after C. since D. if
4. Nobody believes a 92-year-old could run a marathon   she passed the finishing line. People of all ages can challenge themselves.
A. if B. since C. until
5.   she knew all her friends would be there, she didn't want to go, yet.
A. Even if B. Because C. As soon as D. However
6. --- Why do you hope to visit Chengbi Lake some day?
---   it is a beautiful lake in Baise city.
A. Because B. For C. Though D. As soon as
7.   everybody is here, Let's set off.
A. Since B. Because C. For D. After
8. There are no buses,   you'll have to walk.
A. so B. or C. but D. for
9. Ben was busy taking a training class,   we had to wait for him for half an hour.
A. so B. if C. or D. but
10.   Aunt Li is heavy, she still eats lots of meat every meal.
A. Though B. Because C. Whether D. If
11.   scientists have done a lot of research on A (H1N1) flu, there are still some cases for further study.
A. As B. Once C. If D. Although
12. Mr. White has a beautiful garden with many   in it.
A. flowers B. grass C. villages D. water
13. --- Would you like some  .
--- Oh, yes, just a little.
A. milk B. apple C. pears D. oranges
14. No hurry! We still have   time.
A. a lot B. few C. plenty of D. many
15. --- W