
鲁教版 英语单元测试:八年级上unit 4 he said i was hard-working.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 鲁教版

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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working单元过关测试
( ) 1. This coat is expensive, ___, it’s worth it.
A. but B. however C. although D. as
( ) 2. He made a quick response ___ his mother’s question.
A. to B. for C. at D. as
( ) 3. Can you ___ this difficulty?
A. get up B. get into C. get over D. get to
( ) 4. Sorry, I forgot ___ the book to school.
A. bringing B. to bring C. taking D. to take
( ) 5. He prefers ___ to school on foot rather than ___ the bus.
A. to go; to take B. going; taking
C. to go; take D. go; take
( ) 6. Peter said he was sorry he ___ the key.
A. lost B. had lost C. loses D. lose
( ) 7. They said they ___ a party at 8:00 last night.
A. were having B. are having C. had D. have
( ) 8. We ___ study hard for our parents and ourselves.
A. can B. must C. may D. shall
( ) 9. There’s ___ for you from your brother.
A. message B. a message
C. the message D. messages
( ) 10. When he heard the sad news, his face ___ white.
A. grew B. became C. got D. turned21世纪教育网
Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You may 1 they go to learn languages, P.E., history, science and all other 2 . But why do they learn these things?21世纪教育网
We send our children to school to prepare them for the time 3 they will be big and