
鲁教版 英语单元测试:八年级上unit 5 if you go to the partyyou’ll have a great time.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 鲁教版

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Unit 5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time单元过关测试
(      )1. ---Listen! Somebody is coming.
---No, _____ is coming. I can’t hear_____.
A. somebody, anybody                       B. anybody, somebody  
C. nobody, anything                         D. somebody, somebody
(      )2. We _____ go on a picnic if it _____ rain tomorrow.
A. don’t, isn’t          B. don’t stop          C. shall, doesn’t         D. aren’t, doesn’t
(      )3. He always thinks of ______ more than himself.
A. other            B. others            C. the other            D. the others
(      )4.Get up early, or you can’t ______ the early bus.
A. catch              B. catch up          C. catches            D. catches up with
(      )5. Da Shan speaks Chinese ______ for us to understand.
A. good enough       B. enough good        C. well enough         D. enough well
(      )6. If you don’t want to go swimming, I ______.
A.won`t; too          B. also won`t         C.won`t, either          D. won`t ,neither
(      )7. He was_________ tired _________ he couldn’t go on working.
A. too…to          B. such…that         C. so…that             D. too…that
(      )8. It’s hard___________ the work in two days.        
A. finishing          B. to finish            C. finish            D. finishes
(      )9. Our teacher said sound____ much more slowly than li