
鲁教版八年级上Unit 1 Could you please clean your room Section A 1a-2d 同步练习 含答案.doc

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 鲁教版

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鲁教版八年级上Unit 1 Could you please clean your room Section A 1a-2d 同步练习 含答案.doc
鲁教版英语八年级上册同步练****Unit 1 Could you please clean your room?
(Section A 1a-2d)
1. —Could you please help me s____________ the floor?
2. —Don’t t____________ the rubbish here and there.
—Sorry, I won’t.
My bag is on the ____________(地板). But I can’t find it.
4. —What is Rita doing?
—Look! She’s ____________(折叠) her clothes in the room.
5. What a ____________(杂乱)! You should help your parents do some dishes in your free time.
1. 今天早上我搭便车去上学的。
I ____________ ____________ ____________ to school this morning.
2. 这本词典至少要花50元。
The dictionary costs me ____________ ____________50 yuan.
3. 我妈妈总是很忙。
My mother is busy ____________ ____________ ____________.
4. ——请你叠一下衣服好吗?
——是的, 当然可以。
—____________ ____________ please ____________ the clothes?
—Yes, _________ _________.
5. 我认为看两个小时的电视就足够了。
I think two hours of TV ____________ ____________ for you.
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。
help, chore, do, cook, delicious, clean, work, sweep, rubbish, too
Hello, I’m a 13-year-old boy. I hate to do (1)____________. But sometimes I help to (2)____________ the floor and take out the (3)____________. My father hates to do chores, (4)____________. But sometimes my mother asks him (5)____________ the dishes. He sometimes (6)____________, but I don’t like the food he makes. I don’t think it’s (7)____________.