

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 鲁教版

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1. A. No, we don’t B. No, we can’t C. Yes, I can
2. A. He is very healthy B. He is very tall. C. We like him.
3. A. It was terrible B. They were very friendly C. It was not bad.
4. A. She goes to the library. B. She goes to the beach. C. She went to the movies.
5. A. I took a bus. B. I am walking. C. I ride my bike.
6. A. At home B. In hospital C. At school
7. A. She doesn’t mind them. B. She doesn’t like them. C. She loves them.
8. A. Do her homework B. Wash her clothes. C. Clean her room
9. A. By bus B. On foot C. By bike
10. A. He went to the beach B. He went to a museum C. He went to the mountains
11. Where did Lucy go on vacation?
A London B New York C Paris
12. What did Lucy do there with her family?
A They went to a lot of shops. B They went to a lot of parks.
C They went to a lot of museums.
13. Were they crowed in the museums?
A Yes, they were B Yes, they did C No, they weren’t
14. Were the things in the shops expensive or cheap?
A Expensive B Cheap C Sorry, I don’t know
15. How was the American food?
A . Terrible