
八年级英语(牛津译林版,上册)Unit 4 Do it yourself 试题(河南).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Class:    Name:    Marks:   (满分100分)
一. 单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
( )1. — I’m sorry I made     mistake. But I won’t make the same mistake for
    second time.
— Never mind. Nobody is perfect.
A. a; a B. a; the
C. the; the D. a; /
( )2. — Can you tell me how to make the toy truck run?
— Why not read the     yourself? My hands are full now.
A. story B. instruction
C. information D. report
( )3. Would you please pass me the    ? I’d like to cut the paper into halves.
A. rope B. glue
C. tape D. scissors
( )4. — As your closest friend, I will try every     way to help you.
— It’s really kind of you to say so.
A. important B. possible
C. difficult D. expensive
( )5. Not only my cousin but also his parents     interested in DIY. They often make
many interesting things.
A. are B. is
C. were D. was
( )6. — The dish smells    . Few people will like it.
— Really? But I am sure once you taste it, you will fall in love with its taste.
A. nice B. terrible
C. nicely D. terribly
( )7. To save water, please don’t     the water running when you are not washing things.
A. get B. make
C. stop D. leave
( )8. — Did you miss the meeting?
—    . I got there ten minutes before it finished.
A. Of c