

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Class:    Name:    Marks:   (满分100分)
一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)
( )1 — Our school is planning     one-day trip to the Tiger Hill.
— Really? It must be fun, I think.
A. a B. an
C. the D. 不填
( )2. — Climbing the Yellow Mountain really made me tired.
— Of course. Its     is over 1,800 metres.
A. address B. weight
C. height D. age
( )3. Tom will be able to work well with the other members of the group, because he has a good
    of team work.
A. idea B. feeling
C. secret D. sense
( )4. — Mrs Smith is really a     teacher.
— Yes. I never saw her get angry with us.
A. generous B. helpful
C. patient D. hard-working
( )5. I am spending as much time as I can     for the mid-term exam these days.
A. prepare B. to prepare
C. to preparing D. preparing
( )6. — What do you want the scissors for?
— To     out some stars for my card.
A. paint B. cut
C. mix D. add
( )7. — The coat in that shop is so nice but too expensive.
— You can wait for a few days. Its price must be much     on the eleventh of November.
A. lower B. higher
C. nicer D. cheaper
( )8. — Of the three TV shows, which one do you think is    ?
— The Voice of China. I think it is a treat to ears.
A. interesting
B. more interesting
C. the most interesting