

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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本卷考试时间 JOO 分钟总分 100 分第一卷选择题(满分50 分〉
听力(共15小题:每小题1分, 满分15分〉 〈略〉
-、 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分, 满分15分〉
请认真阅读下列各题, 从A、 B、 C 、 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
…- It is too cold. May I close由e window?
- . Please do as you like.
A. Good idea B. Go ahead C. I don’t think so D. No way
…- I still can’t understand . Would you please explain to me again, Mr. Green?
----No problem. Listen to m巳 carefully.
A. mainly B. nearly C. clearly D. quickly
…-- What’s the noise on the river bank?
…--P巳ople are shouti11g 巳xcitedly they see some finJess porpoises jumping out of the water.
A. when B. before c. if D. until
During this year’s shopping festival, there are fewer shoppers. More people Iike to shop in a clever way.
A. tired B. crazy C. awful D. exciting
…-Andrew, you’ve made fewer mistakes than before.
…-Thank you, sir. I ’II do my homework next time
A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully
…-Look out of th巳 window! The white ground goes well with the blue sky.
…--Come on' What a perfect tim巳 !
A. to fly a kite B. to go swimming
to have a snowball fight D. to climb th巳 mountain
一一Mum, is there any由ing wrong with my eyes?
一一Luckily, nothing serious, but make sure you follow the doctor’s ·
A. applications B. instructions C. directions D. introductions
All 由e schools in Nanjing did a lot before the vaccination (疫苗接种). ,
students didn’t wait for a long time.
A. As a result B. In fact C. Otherwis巳 D. Moreover
We should be thankful to natu1e b巳cause it us with almost eve1ything we need.
A. prevents B. prot巳cts c. p『ovides D. prepares
Beijing will be the first city both summer and winter Olympic Games.
A. will hold B. to hold C. holding D. holds 26.…-Jane, I went to S巳E you at six yesterday evening, but you weren’t in.
一 Oh, I my homework at school.
A. do B. did C. am doing D. was doing
Which of th巳 following has the same sentence structure as “Snow makes children feel excited.”
The ground becomes white.
Children play a snowball fight.
Snow br