

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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2020 牛津译林版初二英语上册单元检测卷 Unit 8(含答案)
There are books and magazines in our school library.
A. five thousands B. thousands of C. six thousand of D. thousand of
My family had to stay at home the terrible weather.
A. because B. because of C. but D. if
Lucy’s grandmother is . She can’t look after her pet.
A. 75 year old; 11 months old B. 75 years old; 11-month-old
C. 75-year-old; 11l months old D. 75 year old; 1l month old
The traffic is so heavy! You should drive .
A. as fast as possible B. as slowly as possible C. as carefully as possible D. as careful as possible
snow it is! I think we can go skiing tomorrow.
A. What a heavy B. How heavily C. What heavy D. How heavy
The number of students in our school gets .
A. more and more B. less and less C. fewer and fewer D. larger and larger
I my homework when the doorbell .
A. did; rang B. was doing; was ringing C. did; was ringing D. was doing; rang
It was very cold, so he picked up sticks , but unluckily the house .
A. to make a fire; caught a fire B. to make a fire; caught fire
C. to make fire; caught fire D. made a fire; caught fire
When the house caught fire, people rushed out and ran all directions.
A. in fear; with B. with fear; for C. in fear; in D. with fear; through
We were swimming in the lake suddenly the storm started.
A. until B. wash C. when D. before
—Is Tom still in New York o