
牛津译林版8A Unit 7 Seasons Period 3(Reading Ⅱ)课时练习含答案.zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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8A Unit 7 Seasons
1. How well the ________ (庄稼) grow!
2. I don’t feel well and need to take my ________ (体温).
3. There was a ________ (小溪) at the end of the garden. 
4. Let’s sit in the tree ________ (树荫处) and keep cool. 
5. The movie started a________ (当……时) I got to the cinema.
6. After the ________ (阵雨), the sun came from behind the clouds.
1. We have a p________ of homework to do every day.
2. Having a good m________ is not enough to have good grades.
3. I ________ (drop) my glasses and broke them.
4. A red sun ________ (rise) slowly from the calm sea.
5. Look!  The Farmers are ________ (harvest) the wheat in the fields.
6. In spring bees fly and ________ (butterfly) dance around the flowers.
1. The word “drops” with ______.
A. map B. dress C. crops D. buses
2. If you read a lot, your life will be full ______ pleasure (欢乐).
A. by B. of C. for D. with
3. ---Why do you want to stay at home?
---Because I ______ good when I am with my family.
look B. feel C. smell D. taste
4. If you don’t study hard, you will ______ behind others.
A. fall B. drop C. come D. go
5. ---Would you like ______ camping with me?
---I’d like to. But I’m busy ______ my homework.
to go; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing
6. Ice (冰) turn