
牛津译林版八年级上册英语Unit 1 Friends Task课时练习(有答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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8A Unit1 Friends Task课时练****一、根据句意和首字母写出单词
1. Beckham is an e___________ football player. He has lots of fans all over the world.
2. It’s d for me to finish it today. Can I do it tomorrow?
3. She has a r face, big blue eyes and a small nose.
4. When my mother feels bored or u , I always tell her funny jokes.
5. I b that he will be a good teacher.
6. Do you have any p with your new school?
7. She is friendly and always w a smile on her face.
8. The girl with a s face is my sister.
9. Tom isn’t h , and we never believe what he says.
10. She is my best friend. We first ________ (meet) each other two years ago.
1. We must try our (good) to learn all the subjects well.
I think climbing is __ (excite) than diving.
Thank you very much for (make) English fun.
I’m sorry. I was only trying to be (friend) and (help).
Things with good ______________(quality) usually sell well.
Who (have) a long ruler?
The children (not play) football on the playground now.
My father (have) lunch in the factory every day.
Mike (not do) his homework on Saturday.
Playing football is _______ (important) than watching TV.
( )1. I don’t know .
A. what to do