

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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When I was a boy,we had several gardens around our old 1 .We grew potatoes in the largest garden.【版权所有:21教育】
I can 2 remember those potato planting days.The whole family helped.After my dad had tilled the soil(犁地),my mum,brothers and I went to work.It was my 3 to drop the little seed potatoes(留种的土豆)in rows 4 my mum dropped some fertilizer(肥料)beside them.My brothers then covered them all with 5 .21*cnjy*com
After that,I would watch over at the garden for months when I played outside.I wanted to know 6 was going on under the ground.When the harvest time came,I was 7 at the large size of the potatoes.Then my parents turned them into baked potatoes,mashed potatoes and fried potatoes. 8 would keep the entire(全体)family well fed throughout the whole year.
I also think about 9 other seeds I have planted in life,in the hearts and minds of others.
Every day we step out into the garden of this world.Every day we plant seeds that can grow into
10 wonderful.I hope that you plant only goodness,peace and compassion in the life of everyone you meet.www-2-1-cnjy-com
( )1.A.city B.school C.house D.town
( )2.A.never B.still C.hardly D.usually
( )3.A.time B.idea C.mind D.job
( )4.A.when B.before C.after D.while
( )5.