

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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1. People call them biscuits in British English and (饼干) in American English.
2. Yesterday a thief broke into Tom's house. (幸好),nothing valuable was stolen.
3. We will have the _________(每周的) test next week.
4. He visited many places of interest (在……期间)his stay in China.
5.Tim has the __________( 最少的 ) rice of the three.
6. The sun ___________ (照耀)brightly and we all had a good time playing in the park.
7. After the traveller drank a can of cola, he felt even (口渴).
8. He is learning drawing because he will take part in the drawing (竞赛)
9. Please tell me the __________(高度) of the building!
10. Can you answer the questions __________(正确地)?
11. I hope there will be fewer ___________(广告) on TV.
12. She has the_________(少) rice of the three.
13. People are busy _________(出席) all kinds of parties on Christmas Day.
14. The students are in the same class, but they speak different_____________ (语言).
15. We are looking forward to_____________ (赢) the final in the second half.
16.You can search the Internet for_____________ (进一步)information.
17. Thousands of people_____________ (出席) the meeting yesterday.
18.This morning, Mike came to school much _____________(早).
19.I think Kate will make an _____________ (杰出的) teacher if she studies hard.
20.The ______ (总统) from different countries will watch the shows of O