
牛津译林版英语八年级上Unit 8 Natural disasters动词填空练习卷(含答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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1.Would you mind my (open)the windows,please?
2.When we are in danger, it is important to make us not nervous and (calm)down.
3.He was writing a novel last year. I hear that he (finish)it in two weeks.
4. (hide) under a strong desk to protect yourselves,boys.
5.The bird watching is never (bored), is it?
6.Is________ (shake) hands with each other when meeting for the first time polite?
7. Who keeps (provide) food and clothes for poor families?
8. The bell rang while our teacher (explain) the answer to the students.
9.Close the window, or the wind ______________ (blow) everything off my desk.
9. Monica gave books to her students instead of _________________ (throw) them away.
10.It’s important to know how (protect) ourselves from danger.
11.Her mother (cook) when she arrived home yesterday.
12. Last night lightning hit a supermarket and it ______________ (catch) fire.
13.At this time yesterday, I saw two boys ____________ (kick) a ball beside the tree.
14. You know that (print) papers saves us a lot of time when we do some word processing.
15. What a wonderful time we had (travel) around the world!
16.After the heavy snow, we (try) to clear the snow at that time.
17.Finally , we found an engineer (help) us o