

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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牛津英语8A 期末高频易错选择题集
1.—The film My People, My Homeland is, I have to say, very wonderful.
—Yes, It’s excellent film and I never see _ better one.
A. a; an B. an; the C. an; a D. a; the
2.---What a pity!I heard the lead role(主角) of Ba la little fairies ______ illness.
----Yes, she died _____the first of January 2021.
A.died of; in B.died from; in C.died of; on D.died from; on
3.It is ______serious situation that the number of people who had novel coronavirus(新冠病毒)______ becoming lager than before in Hebei at present.
A.so a; is B.such a; is C.so; are D.such; are
4.—Tim, don’t forget __the bottles __water before your trip to the desert.
— Thank you, sir. I know.
A. to full; of B. to fill; with C. filling; with D. filling; of
5.When he walks my desk, he often knocks my books the floor.
A. past; off B. past; onto C. through; on D. across; away
6.— Dad, can you give me some advice about the coming English test?
—OK. The __you think about the questions, the __mistakes you’ll make.
A. more carefully; less B. more carefully; fewer
C. less carefully; less D. less carefully; fewer
7.He spends as much time as he can English every day.
A. practicing speaking B. practise to speak
C. practice speaking D. to practise to speak
8.– beautiful furniture you bought!
– Indeed, I like it much that I decided to buy it at once as soon a