

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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一 听对话回答问题(10分,每小题1分)
( )1 What time did Lily get to school this morning ?
A At 7;10 a.m B7;00 a.m C6;50 a.m
( )2 Who has bigger nose ?
A Jack does B Jim does C Sorry ,I don’t know .
( )3 What’s Sandy like ?
A She is very helpful B She is very honest C She is very generous
( )4 Who is the best at English ?
A Jim B Lucy C Kate
( )5 How is Sally’s maths teacher ?
A Pretty and slim B Tall and handsome C Beautiful and handsome
( )6 Where are they talking ?
A In Sandy’s room B In Sandy and Bob’s room C In Bob’s room
( )7 When was Sandy born ?
A In 1922 B In 1921 C In 1924
( )8 What does Cindy want to be in the future ?
A A teacher B A doctor C A student
( )9 What’s Laura busy with ?
A Her homework B Her hobbies C Sleeping
( )10 Which box is the lightest of all ?
A The white box B The grey box C The black box
二 听对话和短文回答问题(10分,每小题1分)
( )11 Why does Nick say Amy is his best friend ?
A Because Amy is pretty and helpful .
B Because Amy is kind and likes helping people
C Because Amy is in the same class with Sandy .
( )12 Who is the oldest ?
A Amy B Sandy C Nick
Mike’s school life
Tuesday afterno