

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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译林版八年级上期末复****选择题练****1.Last year, my uncle met _______ elephant in _______ wild in Thailand.
A. an; an B. a; the C. the; a D. an; the
2.—Millie, ________ do you take the course in DIY?—Every Saturday afternoon.
A. how long B. how far C. how much D. how often
3.Alan didn’t take the coat with him on a cold night. _________, he got a cold.
A. In fact B. Because of C. As a result D. For example
4.—Wild animals need more people’s help.—Yes. People working in the reserves are doing everything they can ____ them.
A. save B. saving C. to save D. to saving
5.How beautiful the cranes look! Words can’t ________ their beauty.
A. understand B. describe C. report D. write
6.—Mum, I don’t quite understand the Chinese saying.—Dear, don’t worry. ______ the years go by, you will get to know it.
A. As B. While C. Since D. Until
7.—I want two bottles of juice.—Sorry. There is ________ left.
A. nothing B. none C. some D. anything
8.Students in Grade Nine ____________a maths exam at this time yesterday.
A. take B. are taking C. were taking D. have taken
9.— Do you know if it    tomorrow?— I am not sure. It may snow if the temperature below zero.
A. snows; will drop B. will snow; will dropC. will snow; drops D. snows; drops
10.—Would you mind asking Jenny to show me around Yunlong Park?—________.She’s busy with her work.
A. You’d better not B. Yes, please C. Never mind