
译林版江苏省南通市启秀中学初二第一学期期中英语试卷( PDF版 含答案 ).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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)2 L What can I do for you, sir?

1 want iPhone 6s Plus for my wife as useful gift,
an; a B, a; an C. an; the D, a; a
)22, There is a big cake here, share it.
May be we can B. We may be C, Maybe we can D* Maybe can we )23,The trip from the school to the Great Wall about half an hour by taxi,
spends B* costs C. pays D* takes
)24.1 really want to stay at home sunny days going out alone.

)25.—— QQ chatting?
A. on; instead B. in; instead of C* at; instead IX on; instead of

—Wonderful! It's like with a real person in front of you. A. What do you think of; to chat B. How do you find; chatting
C. What do you liking; chatting D, Haw do you think of; to chat

)26. Don't forget to wear school uniforms on Monday morning.

A. Yes, i will B. No, 1 will, C* OK, I wcm't. D, Yes, 1 won't. )27, Everyone became very sad when the bad news _ _ .

A. got B. reached C, arrived D. arrived at
)28. Bob skater than I, but he doesn't skate Daniel
A, better; as goad as B* better; so good as
C. better; as well as D. much well; as well as
)29. Is Mike coming to the fashion show tomorrow?

I'm nor sure. He not come.
A. must B, can C, may D, should
)30, Spring Buds Project is an organization that raises money poor young girls return to school,
A. fbr save B* saving C. for helping D* to help
)31. Would you mind not . noise? Alice is sleeping.

Sony, I didn't know. 1 she was awake.
A. make; think B. making; thought C. making; think D. make; thought
)321 think the cost of the trip is very , and the ticket is very
D. high ; expensive
A. expensive; high B. expensive; expensive C. high; high

)33 What a clear blue sky it is!
Yes. 1 have never seen sky*
A. a more beautiful R* a most beautiful
C. the more beautifu! D. the most beautiful
)34 Can lies make your friends happy sometimes?
Yes. Somctiincs it is better awhile lie than someone a pa