

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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1. Nature reserves __________ (提供) wildlife with food and shelter all year around.
2. Bad weather may cause __________ (自然的) disasters.
3. I didn’t go camping with friends last weekend. I did housework with my mother __________ (反而,却).
4. It’s cold outside. You’d better wear a __________ (厚的) wool sweater.
5. Don’t be afraid of making __________ (错误). We just need to learn something from it.
6. Many people are killed in traffic _______ (事故) in the world every day.
7. All the buses are running towards the same _______ (方向) on the high way.
8. I agree that English is the most important __________ (外国的) languages in the world.
9. My bike broke down and I was late for school. What an _______ (糟糕的) day!
10. She was  a little ________ (紧张的) about the interview.
11. ________ (在…期间) the earthquake, I tried my best to run to a safe place.
12.Each year, millions of ________ (旅行者) come to places of interest in China.
13. We’ll have all kinds of problems in our life. We should learn to (面对) them bravely.
14. —Don’t tell your (地址) to a strange person, Millie.
—Thanks, I will never do such a thing.
15.Ann (明白) it was not easy to fix her bike, so she took a course in DIY.
16. I’ll take you to see the (主要的) sights in our town during the Spring Festival.
17. Short (阵雨) are good for crops to grow in the field.