
牛津译林版八年级上册8A Unit 3 A day out Reading 1 练习及答案.docx

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牛津译林版八年级上册8A Unit 3 A day out Reading 1 练习及答案.docx
8A Unit 3 Reading 1 练****单项选择
1.—How are you doing these days? —_____________.
A.Doing homework B.Fine C.Carefully D.That’s OK.
2.—You mean Tom and I have to go there by_____Dad? —I’m afraid so.I have no time to drive you there.
A.myself B.himself C.yourself D.ourselves
3.My parents said they would come to visit me.I couldn’t_____to see them after months away from home.
A.wait B.help C.notice D.believe
4.When the bus stopped,some people_____the bus and some others______.
A.got it off;got on it B.got off;got it on
C.got off;got on it D.got it off;got it on
5.These years,girls start to show more______in the subjects of science,technology,
engineering and maths.
A.warmth B.interest C.voice D.weight
6.Take care!There_____a lot of traffic in the street.
A.was B.is C.are D.were
7.—When will you father_____here? —Sorry,I don’t know.
A.get B.arrive C.reach D.get to
8.—The radio says it may rain this afternoon. —How come?Look at the______sky!
A.dark B.clean C.grey D.clear
9.—The boring trip______me about five hours and______me much money.
—Bad luck!
A.took;cost B.cost;took C.spent;paid D.paid;spent
10.Nanjing isn’t so large_____Shanghai.It’s the second______city in East China.
A.like;largest B.as;largest C.like large D.as;large
11.—You don’t seem quite______today,May.What’s wrong?