

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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8A 期末复****书面表达
Dear Classmates,
In the past, many fish lived in the Yangtze River, but things are different now. In recent years, there are fewer and fewer fish in the Yangtze River. The fish is in danger now. Some of them even die out.
There are several reasons cause this problem. First, water pollution in the Yangtze River is becoming worse and worse. The polluted water is bad for fish life. Second, too much fishing destroys the fish balanced life.
It’s time to take actions to protect the Yangtze River. We should stop catching fish. On 1st January, 2020, the government made a ten-year ban fishing.
We all should know the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and taking actions.
Your sincerely,
Li Hua
The Earth is Our Home
The Earth is our home and we only have one Earth.
However, our Earth is facing a lot of serious problems now. Firstly, there are more natural disaters than before, such as floods, earthquakes. Secondly, many animals are in danger and some of them even die out. Thirdly, the area of forest are getting smaller and smaller.
Several reasons lead to these problems. People cut down too many trees. As a result, a lot of wild animals have no place to live or food to eat. What’s more, people kill or hunt animals for their fur or bones. Besides, more and more personal cars in the street make air pollution worse and worse