

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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牛津译林版八年级英语上册易错知识点专项练****fall asleep sleepy / asleep / sleeping /sleepless
safe-safety fall-fell shake-shaking /shook since 既然 meet-met
Eg.We should study hard _______(既然) we go to school. since
See/hear sb doing
See /hear sb do sth(表示经常性****惯性的动作;表示事情发生的全过程)
Eg. I saw his brother ______ in the bedroom when I walked past.
A. to do his homework B. does his homework
C. doing his homework D. did his homework
Be trapped in dropped/sold/ alive/for a living
In a few hours/few days /two days 将来时标志词
At the moment -、these days 进行时
Possible/possibly 可能 as .....(soon )as possible on a foggy day
Protect sb from doing 免遭.......
Cover our mouth with wet towel
-例题:eg._____the girl _____(take ) the medicine at the moment? -Yes, she is
It ___________(snow)outside,why not go to have snowball fight?
What can we do if it ___________tomorrow morning? (rain)
You must look left and right before _______(cross) the busy street.
Is taking/ is snowing/ rains/ crossing
Fall from because of /because
if “如果” 用法 主将从现
Look,there are doing sth 有一些人在等早班车
Before ./keep doing sth
hear about意为“听说”,相当于hear of Hear from 收到某人的来信
What a loud noise! End/ending/
Be shout for / in fear /be cutting broke look angrily at
Ask sb(not) to do sth
doing while doing doing when did 注意过去进行时用法
Crashes into /wash away
Beating fast / go through one’s mind
thousands of表示“成千上万的”,后接可数名词复数形式,hundred, thousand, million, billion
Thousands of books / Two thousand books
20,过去进行时关键词;A. at 7 yesterday from 7 to 8 last night at this time yesterday
B. then at that time
C. when , while, as
21.when, while as用法
when +短动作,用过去式。
While +长动作, 用过去进行时。
22. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于某事
be too busy to do sth. 太忙了而未能做某事 He is too busy __to cook____(cook) breakfast for his son.
be too busy doing sth. to do sth. 太忙于做某事而未