
Unit 11 could you please clean your room试卷(人教新目标八年级上).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?
一. 选择填空
  1. A: Could you please sweep the floor? 
   B: _______. I have to do my homework.
  A. Yes, sure.    B. Why not?  
  C. Sorry, you can’t   D. Sorry, I can’t 
  2. A: Could you please buy _______ drinks and snacks?
   B: Sorry. I don’t have _______ money.
  A. some, any B. any, any   
  C. some, some  D. any, some
  3. Nancy, thanks for _________ care of my goldfish.
  A. take   B. takes   C. taking    D. took
  4. We’ll have _____________ to do in English class.
  A. something different
  B. different something  
  C. anything different
  D. different anything
  5. This shirt is a little ___________ than that one.
  A. cheap
  B. cheaper
  C. the cheapest
  D. cheapest
  6. A: Could I please ___________________? 
  B: Sorry, you can’t . Your father has to use it.
  A. do chores
  B. go to the movies  
  C. use the car
  D. go to school
  7. Yao Ming was born _______ September 12,1980.
  A. on     B. in     C. at    D. of
  8. There ________ any sharks in the aquarium.
  A. are    B. aren’t  C. isn’t   D. is
  9. “How was the movie?”  “It was ________. I don’t like it”.
  A. funny   B. good   C. well   D. boring
  10. ______ readers said they were going to learn a new language. 
  A. A little  B. Little  C. Few    D. A few